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KMID : 0359020110430010056
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2011 Volume.43 No. 1 p.56 ~ p.59
Ill-defined Granulomas Demonstrated in Ulcers of the Terminal Ileum and Transverse Colon in a Patient with Typhoid Fever
Yoon Sang-Goo

Kim Nam-Hoon
Kim Min-Hwan
Park Joo-Hyun
Bae Won-Ki
Kim Kyung-Ah
Lee June-Sung
Kim Han-Seong
Typhoid fever, the most serious human salmonellosis, is a systemic infectious disease caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi and is characterized by prolonged fever, bacteremia, and multiplication of the organism within mononuclear phagocytic cells of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and Peyer¡¯s patches. The characteristic lesion of typhoid fever is an ulceration of the small intestinal lymphoid tissue, particularly the Peyer¡¯s patches. The usual histological findings of typhoid ulcer are necrosis and histiocytic proliferation that phagocytizes erythrocytes and degenerated lymphocytes. A granuloma is an unusual histopathological presentation of a typhoid lesion. Even if granulomas have been reported in the bone marrow, liver, and spleen in cases of typhoid fever, granulomas in primary ulcers of the ileum and transverse colon have been reported very rarely. We experienced a case of typhoid fever in which ill-defined granulomas were seen in ulcers of the terminal ileum and transverse colon.
Salmonella infection, Typhoid fever, Granuloma
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